All About… ‘I Would Like to Find Content by Subject’

We’ve lots of tiles that have time-saving features on the homepage and we’ve posted about some of these already (read about the ‘Set Classwork or Homework’ or ‘Grouping Students’ tiles), but today, we’re going to focus on the ‘Find Content by Subject’ tile.

Where Does the Find Content by Subject Tile Take You?EducationCity Homepage

This tile takes you to the handy Subjects page (you’ll probably have seen this before!), which is where you can find content by a subject at your fingertips.

How Can Subject Select Help Me?

It helps your teaching and your students’ learning in lots of ways! Let’s take a look.

  • Find content quickly: to help you with your school’s teaching and learning. You just pick a subject, then a year and you’ll have all the content types ready to go and choose from!
  • Find all the resources: on EducationCity really easily – if you want a certain resource type such as Learn Screens and Topic Tools, it’s there for you to just choose!
  • Add resources to a MyCity: really quickly too by pressing the ‘+’ button beside any piece of content – this is really handy when you’re planning lessons.


To see the Subjects page for yourself and explore all of its benefits, why not click the ‘Find Content by Subject’ tile yourself? Log in to try.

Please note that certain features will differ between the login types.