Early Year Foundation Stage – Literacy

Literacy is just one of many key areas in the EYFS framework, which is why we’re going to explore some fun activities and ideas for you to try with your students!

As you will know, reading and writing are both under the literacy umbrella and are very important in the development of early year’s students.


There’s so much to learn when it comes to reading! Develop your student’s vocabulary through sounds, eventually adding them together to make words. Why don’t you start with baby steps, teaching the alphabet and understanding the sounds of each letter? Link this with phonics, and you are on the way to building great literacy skills for your class! Introduce pictures that tell a story, asking your students to suggest what they think is happening. This will encourage them to use their own initiative and get in a habit of understanding stories.
Did you know we have a lot of phonic related activities on EducationCity? All you have to do is log in to find Activity Sheets, Lesson Plans and much more!


Once your students understand sounds and start to recognise letters, the next step is learning how to write. This will flow nicely with learning the alphabet where they will have the chance to write each letter. Building their confidence in writing simple letters or words is only the start of the Early Years of Foundation Stage! It’s an exciting part to be involved with and for your students to get as creative as they want too! How about telling them to write what they did over the weekend? This will get them familiar with writing sentences which will form the basis of learning in all subjects.
EducationCity has many resources to support writing, we cover Activity Sheets that will help you in planning lessons, or exploring ideas.
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Make sure you keep checking our blogs to see our other EYFS posts!

Check out our literacy games which are a great way to teach in the classroom.