At EducationCity, we understand the importance of assessing your students’ progress. Assessment allows you to determine what level your students are working at, where to start moving teaching and learning forward and how to maximise student achievement. That’s why we’ve produced a number of fantastic assessment tools which allow you to successfully record and track progress, as well as test students. Read below to find out more information about them!
Monitor Students’ Progress
Save time marking and use SuccessTracker to track individual students, groups or the whole school’s progress. SuccessTracker automatically marks and records students’ progress so you can easily identify individual strengths and weaknesses and determine any areas which need further attention.
To find out more about SuccessTracker, click here.
Assess Your Students’ Progress
Assess students’ progress with EducationCity’s Tests. Each Test taken is scored and saved to students’ profiles. What’s more, they’re great SATs practice and proven to raise attainment levels!
To get more information about Tests, click here.
MyRevision Journals
Address Areas of Weakness
After a Test has been taken, a bespoke MyRevision Journal is generated for each student which addresses areas of weakness. A range of Activities and Learn Screens are pooled together based on Test scores so students can focus on improvement.