Klara is outgoing and confident, and loves sport as much as dressing-up. She loves adventure and trying out new things and because of this often competes with Stig to be the leader of the Gang.
Klara’s pretty but don’t let this fool you, she can play rough and tumble as well as anyone and is not afraid of getting either hurt or dirty. She’s definitely braver than the boys (although they wouldn’t like to admit that)!
She’s a keen explorer too and loves travel. She snaps up any opportunity to visit her overseas friends Hilda, Rosa and Emma, where she can practise her language skills.
She also has a great eye for fashion, which makes her the envy of most her friends.
Last but not least, Klara’s also very clever. She admires Manu’s inventive nature and fascination for science and is always eager to help him with his experiments. That’s probably why they are best friends!