Top Tips Alert! Using ThinkIts in the Classroom

ThinkIts are designed to challenge students and elicit their higher-order thinking skills.

Here’s some tips on using ThinkIts…

  • Brilliant Lesson Starter: you could start your lesson by gathering your students and asking them to think about the ThinkIt question on the whiteboard. This encourages critical thinking and helps inspire creative thinking for the rest of the lesson.
  • Group/Class Work: use the Print option to encourage students to work together and make notes on the print out.
  • Search for a Specific ThinkIt or Choose ‘Random’: filter your search if you know there’s a ThinkIt you like or simply select ‘Random’.

Where can I find them?

ThinkIts can be found throughout every subject so all you need to do is go to the Curriculum Map or click on a subject to find them – super easy!

Why not give them a go?

Here are a few ThinkIts you could try with your students – we hope you enjoy them!  

To find the content, simply type the ID number into the Search tool.

Key Stage 1


Guessing the Toy: #13786 – Children give talk partners clues about their favourite toy so that they can guess what it is.


Photo Position Match: #15010 – Describe the direction and amount that each character must turn, in order to stand in the same position as their photograph.


Sunny Days: #14985 – Are the days longer in the summer or winter?


Passwords: #14190 – Granny wants to use the password ‘123456’. Is that a good password to use?

Key Stage 2


Describing Feelings: #13672 – How would you say “I did it!” in different situations?


Making Fractions: #13847 – Find the matching pairs of fractions that make one whole when added together.


The Joys of Spring: #13841 – How many objects can you think of that have a spring in them?


Staying Safe Online: #20013 – Meg was chatting to her friend on IM when someone that she didn’t know started chatting to her. They asked Meg to send a photo of herself so they could see what she looked like. What should Meg do?

Want to explore more ThinkIts? Log in to EducationCity or take a free trial if your school doesn’t have a subscription.