With the competition, schools could win a visit from our Education Consultant, Haylie Taylor, to teach for a day
Zoe Andrews, Tibshelf Infant & Nursery School’s headteacher, has commented on EducationCity being used at the school and the day itself: “Our school loves EducationCity and everything it offers!
“Teachers use it for quality whole class and group teaching. Pupils of all ages engage with the interesting activities at school and at home, and parents like the resources and feel their child is safe online when using EducationCity at home.
“There is a great support network from the company and regular emails highlighting updates ensure staff are kept up to date; we benefitted recently from webinar training at a staff meeting.
“The ‘Whole School Computing Day’ was amazing; EducationCity has become ‘real’ to our pupils and Klara was the added wow factor.
“We look forward to continuing to develop our links with EducationCity.”
Whilst at the school, Haylie took seven different groups of students from Early Years Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 through a lesson all about pattern making. The lesson involved activities from EducationCity (you can see which Learn Screens and Student Tools at the bottom of this blog was used) and creative activities that factored in aspects of STEAM. You can see some of the work the students did below.
Students’ Work on Let’s Sketch: Shapes Students’ Work on Let’s Sketch: Shapes Students’ Work on Let’s Sketch: Shapes Students’ Work on Let’s Sketch: Shapes Students’ Work on Let’s Sketch: Shapes Students’ Work on Let’s Sketch: Shapes
As well as this, we started the day with our very own Klara visiting the school and opening the school gates (you can see Klara in the photos below – she loved it!), and then we moved on to a whole school assembly where we all sang ‘Clap Your Hands’ together, which was fantastic fun!

Haylie Taylor, Education Consultant at EducationCity, has commented on the visit: “It was lovely to meet all the friendly staff and children at Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School, and it was great to be back teaching in a school, getting to work with such wonderful, happy students. Not only are they a fabulous school, but their students were very keen to learn with EducationCity, discovering more about patterns, and making some fantastic patterns themselves!”
Thank you to Tibshelf Infant and Nursery School for a super day pattern making – we enjoyed it so much!
Resources used from EducationCity in Haylie’s lesson on pattern making:
Learn Screen
F2 Ancient Patterns: #13392 – Children recognise, create and describe patterns.
Why did Haylie use this?
“Learn Screens are like engaging, colourful slideshows, only more fun and interactive; this is what makes them so great for introducing a new topic or unit of work. I decided to use the Ancient Patterns Learn Screen to introduce the lesson’s task, as it shows the range of patterns that we find in everyday life – from the repetition in Klara’s dance, to the repeating designs found in everyday objects. After talking about each sequence, the colours and shapes, we had a go at making our own patterns!”
Student Tool
Year 1 Let’s Sketch: #12354 – Draw and build shapes using the art tools, letter stamps, stickers and animation.
Why did Haylie use this?
“The Let’s Sketch series are often overlooked, and yet, are so useful! They can be found in the English Student Tools, and they come in a series of four: Weather (#12356), Flowers (#12353), Shapes (#12354) and Superheroes (#12352). In fact, I used the Superheroes one in a MyCity Lesson Plans Handout here – take a look!
“Each Let’s Sketch Student Tool starts with a blank canvas and a range of tools to help the children create their own designs or pictures. There are backgrounds, animations, stickers and stamps; as the stamps include letters and numbers, they’re great for practising phonics or spellings, and for using to stamp out number sentences. Once complete, you can download or print their mini masterpieces too! We used Let’s Sketch: Shapes to create our patterns, and they were all amazing!”
Are You Missing out on Free Training?
Don’t forget, alongside Haylie, we have a fantastic and dedicated team of individuals at EducationCity who strive to provide you with the best possible experience of EducationCity, and can show you how you can utilise all our resources for learning and optimise usage to help with instruction.
If you’d like to set up a free demonstration of our award-winning resource at a time that suits you, just give us a call on 01572 725080 or email customerservice@educationcity.com.
As of December 2019, EducationCity is no longer offering computing but focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science. For more information on these subjects, please click the links.