Welcome to today’s Festive Countdown!
With the run up to the last week of term, we’re sure some of you are thinking about setting holiday homework so your students can either share what they’ve been doing over their holidays or develop some topic work!
Well, we thought it’d be useful for today’s surprise to be to let you know all about the Writing Process Learn Screens which are perfect for this. There are eight altogether and they guide Stig and his friends through the five steps of the writing process in a detailed way.
Each Learn Screen covers one objective. The first Learn Screen gives an overview of the steps, then there are further screens which explore ‘Planning’, ‘Drafting’, ‘Narrowing a topic’, ‘What, Who and How’, ‘Drafting, Description and Action’ and ‘Organisation, Structure and Paragraphs’.
Check them out! The Writing Process Learn Screens can be found in the English/Literacy module across EducationCity:
- England: Years 5 and 6
- Scotland: Second*-Second***
- Wales: Years 5 and 6
- N. Ireland: P6 and P7
We hope your students enjoy writing about their holidays!
Not able to view the Learn Screens because your subscription doesn’t include English/Literacy? Then why not take a free trial over the festive break? We can do this via email or phone, just contact us on trials@EducationCity.com or call +44 (0)1572 725080!