Grammar Island Learn Screen Series

Great news! Our engaging Grammar Island Learn Screen series is now complete!

Made to support the teaching and learning of grammar, punctuation and spelling, each quest has a gripping storyline and engaging challenges, in a comic book style, making it compelling for older children.

In the series, students follow Stig on his adventure and solve the clues to help him escape the island. Read on to see what each quest is all about!

Quest 1: The Cave of Verbs

Stig washes up on the shore of a mysterious island. Follow the clues through The Cave of Verbs and use your knowledge of active and passive verbs to help him escape!

Quest 2: The Jungle of Perfect Verbs

Follow Stig into the Jungle of Perfect Verbs. Help him crack the clues; use the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause.

Quest 3: The Lake of Noun Phrases

Help Stig navigate the Lake of Noun Phrases; use your knowledge of expanded noun phrases – will you make it to the Secret Waterfall and discover who’s stolen the treasure?

Quest 4: The Cliffs of Possibility

Get through the Cliffs of Possibility! Help Stig by using your understanding of how modal verbs and adverbs are used to indicate degrees of possibility.

Quest 5: The Beach of Formal Speech

Stig meets his most dangerous foe yet! To enter the Beach of Formal Speech, Stig must use the correct type of formal language. Follow the trail; uncover the vocabulary and structures used in formal speech and writing.

Quest 6: The Lake of Relative Pronouns

Stig arrives at the Lake of Relative Pronouns. Who’s Mr. Beckett? Could he help solve the mystery of Grammar Island? Discover relative clauses and relative pronouns to finally solve the puzzle!

Where can I find the series?

You can find the Grammar Island series in the following locations:

England Year 5 and 6

Scotland Second **


Wales Year 5

Check the fantastic Learn Screen series out now by logging in to EducationCity! We wish you all the best on your quest!