Whilst there’s over 50 pieces of content heading your way, we asked our Education Team for their favourite pieces of content from our latest release, all of which relate to an objective in the curriculum. Try the content out for yourself by searching the content ID number in the Search bar.
LKS2 Science Learn Screen
“Seasons to Be Cheerful is a new ‘explore’ style Learn Screen for Year 1. The engaging images are full of ideas for discussion about each of the seasons, and the interactive style allows for easily navigable access to all the content.” Kerry Wilkinson, Assistant Educational Content Developer and former Deputy Headteacher

Seasons to be Cheerful (#41851): Observing changes in a scene through the different seasons.
What else should I know about this Learn Screen?
This Learn Screen is interactive and offers an element of choice for students to explore the different seasons, either on their own or as a whole class activity. It’s perfect for KS1 children, especially when learning about seasonal changes and opens up discussion as to why we wear thicker clothes in winter or why the leaves change colour in autumn?
LKS2 English Video
“Class Act is another of our comprehension pieces of content in our new video format: it focuses on listening to and discussing poetry. Class Act uses an original and bespoke poem aimed at LKS2.” Jane Wardle, Educational Content Developer and writer

Class Act (#41899): Listen to and discuss poems.
What else should I know about this Video?
Class Act includes original text and follows a “listen and learn” theme where students are asked questions related to the text after they have read/listened to the story. This Learn Screen could be used as a class discussion, as you could pause it in between the story to ask students’ thoughts or at the end, to recognise who has understood the text. Perfect for building students’ confidence to read aloud!
UKS2 E-Safety Video
“Online Gaming is an ‘explore’ style Learn Screen for 9-11 year olds. It celebrates the positives of online gaming as a creative space where children can come together and interact, alongside advice on how to behave and stay safe when in an online environment.” Elizabeth Edmonds, Educational Content Developer and teacher

Online Gaming (#42169): Staying safe when playing games online.
What else should I know about this Learn Screen?
This particular Learn Screen demystifies technology and explores topical issues related to Internet safety, online gaming and how students interact with others online. It’s user-friendly for both teachers and children and covers all areas of exploring the Internet. It addresses NC14 computing objectives and incorporates elements of PSHE.
That’s not all…
Assessments for Wales and Northern Ireland
We’re excited to let you know that there have been over 100 new assessments added to EducationCity, specifically for schools in Wales and Northern Ireland. You can find our blog about the England and Scotland assessments here.
Here’s what you’ll find for Wales and Northern Ireland:
Wales – 54 brand new assessments:
- End of year assessments for spelling, punctuation and grammar, maths and science (Y1-Y6)
- Six reading comprehension assessments per year (Y2-Y6)
Northern Ireland – 50 brand new assessments:
- End of year assessments for spelling, punctuation and grammar, numeracy and science (P3-P7)
- Six reading comprehension assessments per year (P3-P7)
E-Safety Bundle
This December release sees the arrival of the new e-safety bundle to EducationCity. It is designed to enable children to safely access the enriching opportunities the Internet has to offer, with a whole host of brand new content on hand.
Some of the topics that the content covers are:
- The impact of electronic devices and sleep.
- Fear of missing out (FOMO).
- The differences between face-to-face and electronic communication.
- The relationship between your online and offline self.

To find the new bundle, simply head to Computing, select any year group and you’ll find the e-safety content there.
There’s more to come with e-safety, so keep your eyes peeled!
Well that’s all for now from us. Please do send us photos on Twitter of your students using our top picks to @EducationCity. We’d love to see you using them in class!
To see all of the new content, simply sign in and search for the content with the IDs provided above. Alternatively, if your school doesn’t have EducationCity, sign up for a free trial.