As part of our Maths Challenge Week today we have a day overflowing with Magical Multiplication.
And, when you talk about multiplication, there really is no better place to go than EducationCity’s sing-along times tables, which are ideal for Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 students, as their catchy tunes make them so easy to remember.
They are also a whole lot of fun, as the 434,000 views we’ve gained for our 8xTable Song on YouTube go to show!
Catch them in our Maths Challenge Week Toolkit!
We know you love them, and we enjoy seeing everyone in action. So much so that we’ve got some special goodies up for grabs for any school that sends in a video of them singing along! Simply post them to our twitter account (@EducationCity) and we’ll get those goodies sent out to you.
In addition to these, why not check out our fantastic multiplication-based ThinkIts with your Upper Key Stage 2 students?
How much multiplication can you fit into your school day?
P.S. The current top score for the PlayLive Maths Challenge is an amazing 82! Can you beat that? We know you can, so go for it!!