Ever wondered what certain features do on EducationCity that you haven’t yet explored? Well, there is now a really easy way you can find out about them!
By clicking on any of the buttons, you can get some extra help and quickly find out what all the features do, as well as how they’re great for benefitting your teaching and learning.
What do ‘Hints’ mean for me?
Support and information: an easy way to get vital information and support about all the great features EducationCity has to offer.
More familiarity with our features: they’ll help you improve the way you navigate EducationCity, so you’ll be clued up on all the features in no time!
Make the most of your subscription: by clicking on the Hints buttons and finding out all about the features EducationCity offers, you’ll be able to get the best out of your EducationCity subscription.
Take a peek at the fantastic ‘Hints’ now and see what you think – remember to use the Support and Feedback button if you have any comments!