World Poetry Day is celebrated each year and is a great time to appreciate and support poets around the world.
Whether your students are familiar with poetry or not, it’s a brilliant opportunity to explore and learn about different types of poetry.
Let us take you through a few of our KS1 and KS2 English Learn Screens and Activities on poetry…
Don’t forget to pop the Content ID Number in the Search tool!
Learn Screens
Stamina for Writing 2: #22316 – Using a pattern to write a poem.
Swamp Fever: #12832 – An introduction to a range of poetic devices such as structure and those used to create vivid mental images or evoke emotions and feelings.
Dancin’ in the Drizzle: #25805 – Identify whether a passage of text is part of a story or a poem. Then answer questions by looking closer at the features of the text.
For Better or Verse: #34367 – Recognise 7 different types of poetry, themed around the weather, from their features. Types include: Haiku, narrative, kenning, acrostic, shape, free verse and limerick.
Summer Camp: #1583 – Listen to literary and informational pieces and answer questions about the content.
Swamp Fever: #1635 – Identify different poetic elements and devices.

Forms of Poetry Topic Tool (#12287-#12289)
This Topic Tool enables students to view, edit and create a range of poems. Why not give it a go and explore a whole range of poem types, from riddles, free verse and shape poems? – It’s perfect to pop on the whiteboard to introduce poetry to your class.
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