The two times table is the start of most children’s multiplication journey. Choosing the best way to teach it, however, is subjective and finding a method that suits your group of students is key to success. To help you along the way we’ve a few resources and ideas for you to consider.
Outdoor Activities
Taking the class outside, especially on a sunny day, has a way of lifting spirits, and learning the two times tables can be included in any outdoor excursion. For example, if you have a few trees nearby, have your students find a few sticks on the ground and bring them back. Start with two sticks and ask your students to break sticks in half. Now they’ll have four sticks. By bringing the activity to life, you’ll show your students the real-life implications of learning their two times table. This activity can be done with a wide range of toys and tools. A stack of Lego blocks, plastic Easter egg cases, or using things that naturally come in twos, such as pairs of socks or shoes, or even hands and feet! The list is endless.
Musical Means
Music and rhyme have long been held as a great tool for memory. Just think about that pesky chorus from the radio that sticks in your head all day. This power can be used in the classroom too. Try writing a fun poem or making a song with your class about the two times table. It’ll turn the activity from boring repetition to a fun, expressive exercise.
Bring in Colour
Colour is another tool to capture the imagination. A Waldorf multiplication flower allows your students to draw, colour and practise maths all at the same time. Set the scene for your kids – pretend you’re at the Chelsea Flower Show or a village competition.
Have your class draw a flower with 10 petals. At the centre, draw a 2 with 1-10 at the base of each petal. The result of each petal multiplied by the central number should be written at the end of the petal. For example, 2 (centre) x 2 (petal) = 4.

Repeat this process for all the petals and have your class colour in their flowers. Then they can take it in turns to come up to the front of the class, recite their times table and talk about their flower.
These are just a few of the activities available to you. Have some fun with it and your students will find their times tables a doddle.
Activities can only do so much without resources. From the traditional to the digital, here are several ways to incorporate resources into your two times table activities and games.
Times Tables Sheet

A classic resource. A times tables sheet on the wall is a great tool for jogging your memory. To prevent your students looking at it without trying to work out the answers for themselves, make sure you find a wall sheet that is laminated with empty blocks so you can erase the answers. This way you can turn the sheet into a game. Have your students sit in teams like a quiz and get them to answer times tables questions for points. They’ll love the competitive aspect.
EducationCity Multiplication Tables Check Teaching Resources

Our wide range of free resources is one of the best places to find what you need. Our Multiplication Tables Check Teaching Resources pack gives you a learning trail to ensure your students are on track to meet the requirements of the Department for Education’s Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4 and highlights the content that EducationCity can offer to support you.
We also have our Multiplication Tables Check Topic Tool for Year 4s consolidating their learning ready for the check each June. The tool is a fun digital version of the times tables sheet, and has been designed to follow the Department for Education’s format exactly, with 25 questions which students need to read, recall and answer in six seconds. For more information about this tool, click here.
Times Tables Songs

Along with the Multiplication Tables Check Teaching Resources pack, EducationCity has its very own times tables songs covering 2 x to 12 x tables. Simply search ‘times table song’ in the Search feature and you’ll find catchy songs to get your students’ feet moving and minds thinking.
Our 2x Table Song (click on the image above or search ID #25890 on EducationCity) has a great train theme, which the children will loving “woo-wooing” along to!
Mental Maths Topic Tool

Once strong foundations have been built, students can put their knowledge to the test and work on improving their recall speeds. Our Mental Maths Tool (ID #1963-1964, 1967-1968) is great for this, and can be set up for any times table you choose and as many teams as you want too, so you can learn whilst having a class-wide competition!
It also has a handy Test Mode so you can use it for your weekly times tables tests. In this mode, students will complete their answers with paper and pencil. EducationCity will provide the questions and answers at the end of the test.
PlayLive Maths

Last but not least is our exciting challenge, PlayLive Maths, which at the Year 1 level (ID 25891) focuses purely on the 2 x and 10 x tables! This fun and competitive mental maths challenge allows students to race each other to answer as many questions as they can in 60 seconds. It can be quick and exciting – you can even encourage parents to compete against the children at home – which is great for healthy competition, but can also be played as a calmer, whole-class activity if preferred. However it’s played it’s amazing for reinforcing the times tables!
We hope you’ve found this blog informative, and the content mentioned helpful. If you don’t already have a subscription with EducationCity, you can access our resources by simply taking a free trial. If you’ve other ideas you’d like to share, we’d love to hear them, so please do contact us by emailing us on!