That’s exactly the reason why we’ve pulled together some English worksheets, also known as Activity Sheets, on EducationCity, for a number of age ranges, that are perfect for this time of the year.
All the worksheets referenced below are accompanied with an Activity that has a fun winter feel to it, and they’re all curriculum-linked, as well as being great as classwork or homework too.
To find them on EducationCity, all you need to do is search their ID numbers in the Search bar – simple!
Snowman: #4688 – Match the ‘lower case’ letter with a letter and phonemic sound.
Snowman: #4689 – Identify the lower case digraphs from the phonetic sound.
My Snowman: #5348 – Choose from the options to design a snowman.
Lower Key Stage 2

Snow Hope: #4589 – Spell words with the occurrence of the letter ‘v’.
Snow Hope: #4590 – Spell words with the occurrence of the letter ‘k’.
Upper Key Stage 2
Snow Hope: #4609 – Spell polysyllabic words that contain unstressed vowels.
Snow Hope: #4610 – Spell words containing the common letter string ‘ough’ with different pronunciations.
Snow Hope: #4629 – Spell polysyllabic words that contain unstressed vowels.
Snow Hope: #4650 – Word endings: adding the suffix ‘able’ and ‘ible’.
If you’d like to take a look at the worksheets, just log in, or if your school doesn’t subscribe to EducationCity, take a free trial here.
Don’t forget about our Christmas Topical Pack which has some fantastic free resources for teachers and students to use for the season. Download it here.