With 201 students on roll, Colvestone Primary School in Hackney, London, has been using EducationCity since July 2019 for their distance learning needs.

When government orders came into action due to COVID-19, many schools were facing the challenge of closing their doors and continuing students’ education virtually.
One such school was Colvestone Primary School who were presented with this difficult challenge of needing quick and flexible results and adaptability. They turned to EducationCity which has ensured a smooth transition from the traditional learning environment of bricks-and-mortar learning to distance learning.
Nasima Ephraim, a Leader of Learning at Colvestone Primary School, says that “EducationCity has provided another means of helping children with their learning. We have used the activities to supplement the home learning guidance that we publish each week.
“It has helped with consolidating key skills both at school and at home. Children are able to practise what they have learnt at school at home as well.”
EducationCity has also helped Colvestone Primary School engage parents, with both parents and students offering highly positive feedback of using EducationCity at home. In fact, since March 2020, around the time when lockdown was enforced in England, Colvestone Primary School has used the learning resources on EducationCity over 7,000 times. Nasima comments that “parents are keen for children to use the online platform, but I am not sure if it is because they see the benefit or due to the eagerness of their children to access it. Parents have expressed the fact that their child likes using EducationCity and they are able to do so independently.”
“Children enjoy the online learning as they are a very technology-driven generation. EducationCity makes learning fun, engaging and competitive which children like and so are engaged in the activities. In year 5, children like knowing that their teacher is able to check on what they have been doing and their scores.”
In fact, teachers have been using EducationCity increasingly well for distance learning and utilising all the tools to support their students’ learning.

Nasima comments that “teachers are able to set targeted work for children that might be specific to what they are learning. It is good that you are able to assign different activities to children within the same class so tasks can be differentiated. It allows learning to be continued outside of the classroom and might help to consolidate learning. As an administrator, it was useful for me to see what the other teachers had uploaded in their MyCities. Over time, it could be a useful tool to track progression across the school.”
Leader of Learning, Nasima, also says that she has accessed the tracking features to identify the children that have completed tasks set to check on their progress during distance learning, especially for homework, and has said that they would look to use EducationCity in other ways in the future.

Commenting on the assessments, Nasima says the school would look to use all the assessment tools in more detail, and they could be included in a school’s assessment cycle in conjunction with the unit assessments provided for another method of assessing learning. EducationCity will continue to support Colvestone Primary School into the future and hopes that the resource continues to support the school’s distance learning needs.

“It has helped with consolidating key skills both at school and at home. Children are able to practice what they have learnt at school at home as well.”
Nasima Ephraim, Leader of Learning, Colvestone Primary School, UK